
SEQOHS Standards Updated November 2023

Posted On 10 Apr 2024

The latest SEQOHS standards and evidence guide went live on 1st November 2023 following stakeholder consultation.

The new standards have an emphasis on outputs and outcomes. This enables accredited providers to move from showing not only that they are “doing things right” – i.e. processes are robust – to show they are also “doing the right things”, by which we mean understanding, anticipating and delivering what each client organisation needs. Providers can now demonstrate the breadth of value they bring to commissioners/purchasers of services, to their employees, and to themselves through benchmarking.

The work we have done with the Health and Safety Executive on the evidence guide enables providers to more clearly demonstrate how they meet their legal obligations in Health and Safety legislation, as well as greater clarity on how they show they meet data protection requirements, and the disability and other provisions of the Equality Act 2010.

Overall, SEQOHS 2023 enables providers to demonstrate how they meet standards through what they do day to day – delivering value to health and work.

Adherence to the SEQOHS standards is required to become an accredited provider. The standards are categorised into six domains:

  1. Governance and Finance
  2. Resources and Processes
  3. Output and Outcomes
  4. Information and Communication
  5. Quality Assurance and Improvement
  6. NHS

The latest standards can be found here.


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