SEQOHS Standards Updated November 2023

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SEQOHS Standards Updated November 2023

The latest SEQOHS standards and evidence guide went live on 1st November 2023 following stakeholder consultation.

The new standards have an emphasis on outputs and outcomes. This enables accredited providers to move from showing not only that they are “doing things right” – i.e. processes are robust – to show they are also “doing the right things”, by which we mean understanding, anticipating and delivering what each client organisation needs. Providers can now demonstrate the breadth of value they bring to commissioners/purchasers of services, to their employees, and to themselves through benchmarking.

The work we have done with the Health and Safety Executive on the evidence guide enables providers to more clearly demonstrate how they meet their legal obligations in Health and Safety legislation, as well as greater clarity on how they show they meet data protection requirements, and the disability and other provisions of the Equality Act 2010.

Overall, SEQOHS 2023 enables providers to demonstrate how they meet standards through what they do day to day – delivering value to health and work.

Adherence to the SEQOHS standards is required to become an accredited provider. The standards are categorised into six domains:

  1. Governance and Finance
  2. Resources and Processes
  3. Output and Outcomes
  4. Information and Communication
  5. Quality Assurance and Improvement
  6. NHS

The latest standards can be found here.

Occupational Health



Are you a registered health professional interested in a move into Occupational Health?

SOM and the NSOH are hosting a free mentoring service for those considering a move into a career within Occupational Health. The service is committed to fostering growth, instilling confidence and nurturing success. The mentors are trained and experienced professionals within the multidisciplinary team of OH.
Use of the mentor service will enable you to explore and understand a career in Occupational Health.
It will help you to decide if this is the career for you and if so, support your transition with all the tools you need.
From background reading to CV and interview skills, mentors will provide guidance individually, in group sessions or both. As a mentee you will receive a set number of sessions with your choice of mentor plus access to group mentoring.

Benefits of mentoring include:

  • Provision of an understanding of OH.
  • Reliable information and resources to prepare and upskill.
  • Identifying transferable skills.
  • An understanding of the task requirements within OH and varying delivery mechanisms.
  • Signposting to shadow opportunities.
  • Building confidence for a move.
  • Widening professional networking within the specialty with the introduction to membership and networking groups.
  • Advice on further training and education within OH.
  • Improving the chances of obtaining a role in OH with CV and interview skills.

To find out more visit:

Occupational Health



FOHN Accreditation scheme – open for applications

Experienced nurses working in occupational health can now apply for professional accreditation by the Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing CIC.

The FOHN Accreditation scheme is a voluntary scheme and successful applicants will be able to join the Directory of FOHN Accredited Specialist in the UK.  The scheme has been developed to recognise occupational health nurses’ progression throughout their occupational health career.

The aim is to assess good practice, endorse exceptional practice, and create a development route for those nurses aspiring to work at an advanced level.

To support nurses through the process FOHN provides:

1. Accreditation at a glance, handbook and competency tool.

2. All the documents you need for your application, some with examples

3. Workshops ‘Getting the most from accreditation’ which give you more information about what is required. Next dates: 15th April @ 11am.

4. Trailblazer list – providing 1:1 support for the first 100 nurses going through accreditation.

5. The business case for accreditation.

We know that going through accreditation for the first time can seem quite daunting and we want to make the process as easy as possible for you. As a member of the trailblazer list, you will receive regular support to help complete your application for accreditation. Let’s work together to demonstrate to others that you have a great set of skills, knowledge, experience and commitment to occupational health and professional development.

Accreditation is being discussed with various stakeholders and is gaining recognition as a key requirement to demonstrate competence and quality of practice. Be ready for that change.

For more information contact



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